The 14-day positivity rate for Covid-19 testing is at 1.5 percent as of Feb. 26, reports Greene County public health director Becky Wolf.
Overall, 789 county residents have had the virus. Ninety-five residents have the illness now and 694 have recovered. Ten deaths have been attributed to Covid-19.
Wolf reports that although vaccine supply remains limited, Greene County providers are working together to administer the vaccines as quickly as possible. “It’s encouraging to see the high demand for the vaccine but it will take us several months to reach everyone,” Wolf said. “We appreciate your respect and patience during this challenging time.”
Local clinics and pharmacies are still in Tier 1B in the prioritized process, vaccinating persons age 65 and older.
Vaccinations for those persons are available as follows:
- Hy-Vee Pharmacy-Jefferson
- Check Jefferson Hy-Vee Facebook link to sign up and check vaccine availability
- Phone: 515-386-4151
- Medicap-Jefferson:
- Phone 515-386-2164 to sign up for vaccine
- Greene County Public Health:
- Online waiting list request: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210254625890152
- Email: covid@gcmchealth.com
- Phone: 515-386-0564
- Greene County Family Medicine Clinic:
- Vaccinating oldest to youngest of 65 years of age and above
- Individually contacting patients to schedule appointments
- McFarland Clinic-Jefferson:
- Vaccinating oldest to youngest of 65 years of age and above
- Individually contacting patients to schedule appointments
- Clinic calls will come from phone number 833-332-0011